Thursday, March 26, 2009

Literary Thursday: Hermit the Peanut

I hesitated while trying to decide whether to include my past writings on the blog. They don't have much to do with photography directly. Yet I believe that photographs and pieces of writing share a similarity in that while they aren't typically created in order to describe something about the creator, they often do.

Let's start at the beginning and then jump around a bit. This first one I wrote back in grade school:

Hermit the Peanut

Hermit the peanut
Lived in my pocket
We were the best of friends
Then one day I sat down

1 comment:

E. Broderick Photography said...

Travis--that is so cute!! I used to write lots of poetry when I was younger. I agree with you about it revealing something (maybe even unintentionally) about the author. Thanks for sharing...