I will be teaching a photography class in the fall: Digital Photography I. It will cover the same material as a college intro photography course, including some depth of understanding of how a digital camera works and photography basics.
It will be geared towards beginners and enthusiasts who would like to learn more about the fundamentals, so no prior knowledge is necessary.
It will focus on:
Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO
Manual, Av mode, and Tv mode.
Camera/sensor maintenance
Understanding metering and exposure
Understanding histograms
Use of tripod: when is it necessary?
Proper technique
Understanding basic lighting situations
And more!
-It will only be $10 per session per person—compare with college rates!
-Once-a-week sessions on a weekday evening TBD
-90 minute sessions with a break in the middle
-Number of sessions TBD
-Location is likely to be in Milford
-Recommended that student has a digital SLR, but any digital camera with manual and Av mode is good
-Having a computer/programs is not necessary for this course
-All adults ages 16+ are welcome
Class size will be limited to 15 in order to maintain a great learning environment. There is no commitment, but if you are interested please email:
Anyone who replies with interest in the next five days will be guaranteed an opportunity to partake. Replying will not commit anyone in any way.
Feel free to forward this message to friends/family who may be interested. And remember: photography education makes a great gift!
This course will include some basic information about organizing image files and using Photoshop to process images, but it is NOT a Photoshop course. Charles Fleischman often teaches a basic/intermediate Photoshop course through Milford Adult Education:
If you have any questions or comments, please email: